Parliament Hill atop a dramatic hill overlooking the Ottawa River in Ottawa, Ontario in autumn. Parliament Hill is home to Canada's federal government and is the centrepiece of Ottawa’s downtown landscape. Ottawa is known for is high-tech business sector, vast array of museums and high standard of living.

We’re delighted to announce our expansion into Ottawa and the National Capital Region (NCR).

HH Angus has been successfully delivering projects in the Ottawa region for many years, and we’re excited to have now opened a permanent office there. Our current work in the NCR includes mission critical work for a major national bank and a telecom company, as well as commercial tenant work for a large financial institution. We have many completed projects for clients such as Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa General Hospital, Algonquin College, National War Museum, National Art Gallery, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Carleton University, Government of Canada’s John A. Macdonald Building, University of Ottawa, TD Bank, Delta Hotel, Public Services and Procurement Canada, and Bank of Montreal, among others.

Expanding our presence in Ottawa allows us to collaborate even more closely with our existing clients who have projects in the area, while creating new relationships. With 100+ years in business, we bring deep expertise across a range of sectors, including healthcare, commercial, education, hospitality, mission critical and lab/research facilities, energy/utilities, industrial, sports and recreation, and transportation.

Our core services include mechanical and electrical engineering, sustainability consulting (LEED, WELL, Net-Zero, Living Building Challenge, low carbon energy, energy modeling and CFD analysis), lighting design, ICAT (Information and Communications Technology) design, vertical transportation, tenant improvements, commissioning, digital services (BIM, 3D reality capture, digital twin), and digital strategy and planning consulting.

“We have seen significant growth in new work in the Ottawa area in both the private and public sectors”, noted Paul Keenan, HH Angus’ President, “and our clients appreciate having our attention to client service and expertise available locally to help support them at all stages of their projects.”

Our Ottawa office is part of an overall team of 250 engineers, designers, technologists, consultants, and support staff seamlessly connected and collaborating across the country.

Cover of the Ottawa brochure

Click here to view our Ottawa brochure.

Let's talk. Get in touch.

HH Angus Ottawa
135 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 526
Ottawa, ON

Phone: 613 714 6970

Scanning software documents construction and enhances as-builts

Before and after photos of UHN RAC

HH Angus was an early adopter of Matterport scanning software – a tool that helps our Digital Services team create detailed 3D models of building infrastructure, from a single room to full buildings models. 

We regularly assist clients across a range of industries with virtualizing physical assets and construction summary videos. To see this in action, click on the links below for real-life examples. These videos were created for the University Health Network in Toronto to demonstrate to internal stakeholders the value of the Matterport platform and the capabilities of the technology - the Matterport scanner (used to document project milestones), and the Theta V 360 camera (used to capture site progress). These videos summarized site progress by collecting visual data during almost two years of construction.

Phase 1

Phase 2

The utility of 3D scans for building owners, facility managers and consultants, both during and after construction, cannot be overstated, as it allows for highly accurate virtualization of physical spaces to improve and facilitate collaboration and problem solving. Key benefits are the ability to share construction progress with stakeholders, documentation of as-built conditions, and ease of accessibility - Matterport scans and site progress scans are all accessible with a web link and internet connection.

To find out more about 3D scanning, digital twins, and how HH Angus can help you improve construction records and facility management, contact

Headshot of Akira Jones

Akira Jones, B.Sc., P.Eng., LEED AP
Director, Digital Services

Caitlin Campbell at work

Engineers of Tomorrow is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to inspiring the next generation of problem solvers and game changers. According to their website, “We believe in the power of great engineering outreach to shape the future.” Their program pairs professional engineers with students working on an engineering problem. When Caitlin Campbell saw their call for industry volunteers, she accepted the challenge.

The opportunity appealed to Caitlin, because it was exactly the type of project that she would have enjoyed at that same age.

“The project is the Engineers of Tomorrow Future City Experience and this year’s theme is ‘Living on the Moon’. The students have to think about how humans could live on the moon and what they would need in terms of food, power, and infrastructure. They use this information to build a physical model of their city. I wanted to get involved to help the students work through any problems they encounter while also promoting engineering as a possible career. Many young people don’t know what engineers do and therefore don’t consider it as a possible career choice.”

As a mentor to a Grade 7 class, Caitlin first met with the students to talk to them about her work and life, and why she went into engineering. She was also able to offer advice on project management; the teacher identified the current challenge as possibly the biggest project the students had yet undertaken and felt they needed help planning their time. Caitlin will meet with the students a few more times before virtually attending the final presentations next month.

Caitlin sees her mentorship as a win-win proposition: “The students get to work on an engineering problem, dive into technical research to find out what’s needed to live on the moon and meet real-life engineers to learn about engineering. It’s impressive to hear what they have learned about the moon in such a short period of time. And I get to promote engineering as a career while also giving back to the community!”

If you would like to learn more about Engineers of Tomorrow, click here.

Caitlin Campbell

Caitlin Campbell, P.Eng., LEED® AP, LC

Caitlin is a Senior Electrical Manager in the Commercial Division of HH Angus. She has been involved in a wide variety of cultural, institutional and commercial projects involving all stages of design, construction and commissioning.

Blurry mechanical drawing

On March 31, 2022, Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and the Ministry of the Solicitor General announced the selection of EllisDon Infrastructure Justice as the preferred proponent to design, build, finance, and maintain the Thunder Bay Correctional Complex project.  The EllisDon Infrastructure Justice team includes:

  • Developer: EllisDon Capital Inc.
  • Design-Builder: EllisDon Corporation
  • Design Team: Zeidler Architecture Inc. and DLR Group Inc.
  • Facilities Management: EllisDon Facilities Services Inc.
  • Financial Advisor: EllisDon Capital Inc.

HH Angus is pleased to be acting as Mechanical Engineering Consultant to the project. The Correctional Complex is the latest addition to our portfolio of institutional infrastructure projects in Canada. These include current active projects such as Grandview Children’s Hospital, Kingston General Hospital Redevelopment (PDC), Royal Inland Hospital Patient Care Tower, Bayer’s Lake QEII Health Sciences Centre, Michael Garron Hospital (PDC) in Toronto, and previous projects in the Thunder Bay area, including the Thunder Bay Courthouse and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. The latter also comprised facilities for mental health services and a cancer care centre, as well as a later project providing an outdoor cogeneration installation.

The project is expected to reach financial close in the coming weeks, with final design and construction to begin thereafter. Construction start and completion dates are still to be announced. 

To learn more about the Thunder Bay Correctional Complex project, click here.

Photo of doctor and child

On March 1st, 2022, Infrastructure Ontario (IO) announced the selection of the Children First Consortium as the preferred proponent to design, build and finance the Grandview Children’s Centre Redevelopment in Ajax, Ontario.

The Children First Consortium team includes: Applicant Lead - Amico Design Build Inc., Sacyr Construction S.A | Design Team: Parkin Architects, H.H. Angus and Associated Limited | Construction Team: Amico Design Build Inc., Sacyr Construction S.A | Financial Advisor: Stonebridge Financial Corporation.

The project is expected to reach financial close in the coming weeks, and construction is scheduled to begin shortly thereafter.

The redevelopment of the Grandview Children’s Centre will reduce wait times, make services easier to access, and improve the range of rehabilitation services for children and youth with special needs in the Durham region and its catchment areas. It will also be an open, welcoming and inclusive community-based paediatric facility supporting an integrated mix of rehabilitation, medical and clinical services, as well as education and research activities.

Specifically, the new Grandview Kids headquarters will include:

  • Centre-Wide Therapy Services: occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech-language pathology, therapeutic recreation, audiology, infant hearing, blind low vision, social work;
  • Autism Services;
  • Preschool Outreach Program;
  • School-Based Rehabilitation Services;
  • SmartStart Hub services for families with a concern about their child’s development;
  • Developmental Paediatric Medical Services including specialized medical clinics;
  • Family/caregiver resources and support; and
  • Campbell Children's School.

Design work on the project will begin in April 2022. Children First Consortium will then mobilize on site in May 2022 and construction will begin in September 2022. Construction is expected to be complete in spring 2024.

To read more:

Rendering of the Grandview Kids Hospital
Image credit Infrastructure Ontario