HH Angus employee using a Matterport scanner

In the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry, 3D reality capture is the process of scanning a building, portion of a building, equipment or site in the real world and converting the scanned data into a useful 3D digital model. A physical space is scanned using various technologies to collect huge amounts of spatial data to create different types of 3D visualization—from 360 degree 4K videos and photorealistic walkthroughs to 3D mesh or point clouds models. Whether using LIDAR-based technology or technology based on photogrammetry, knowing which technology to use for a given application is key to solving the challenges our clients are facing in the operation and maintenance of their facilities.  

Why use it?

While you can use traditional 2D design and as-built drawings for a project, 3D reality capture can offer many benefits over the traditional approach, including saving time, reducing costs and improving accuracy.

Barriers to adoption decreasing. The cost of 3D scanners and other reality capture hardware has become increasingly affordable, even as quality and features continue to improve. Also, the software has become very intuitive and easy-to-use.

Highly accurate and reliable information. The reliability of existing as-built 2D drawings often varies from project to project and can be a pain point in retrofits and renovations. Instead of depending on outdated drawings or time-consuming manual measurements or surveys, reality capture technology can capture existing site conditions very efficiently and accurately. The 3D scan and resultant 3D models can then be quickly actioned by importing into the BIM software of choice and utilized by the entire project team.

Create efficiencies. Due to its accuracy and speed, reality capture reduces the need for multiple site visits – many of which are typically made simply to re-measure or double check survey results. By ‘capturing once’, project teams can use 3D scans or BIM models to derive more insights and identify potential conflicts or opportunities much earlier in the design and construction process. 

Scan to BIM. By scanning the existing conditions and creating a functional BIM model, teams can begin designing immediately, allowing for greater accuracy, reduction in rework and shortening project schedules.

Improved collaboration. We typically make the resulting 3D scans and/or BIM models available in the cloud, allowing everyone involved in the design and construction process to access the one model from anywhere. Teams can be based anywhere and have the ability to view and interact with the data in real-time – making notes, providing feedback, taking measurements of existing site conditions from the 3D model, and making iterative design changes in a highly interactive and collaborative way.

Documenting progress. Reality Capture allows for fast and efficient documentation of construction progress. Regular scans of the site help ensure that construction is matching the design intent and allows the team to discover discrepancies before they become costly mistakes.  

How HH Angus is Using Reality Capture

3D reality capture is very convenient, allowing us to capture dimensionally-accurate records of systems infrastructure (usually hidden above ceilings, under floors or behind walls), without having to rely on sketches or individual photos. Each 3D reality capture tool has unique advantages and applications. Knowing which tool is the best resource in a given situation forms part of the expertise of HH Angus’ technical staff.

Our current in-house technologies capture site data via a Matterport scanner or Theta V 360 camera. The Matterport scanner has an accuracy of 99% to reality; plus 3D scans are captured in 4K, providing very detailed high-resolution images. The scans are hosted on the Matterport cloud platform, and users can easily access or share them through any web browser. We can also produce point cloud data from the Matterport scans, which can be imported into a Revit model for our clients or their third-party vendors, such as architects, contractors, facility maintenance staff, other engineering disciplines, etc. 

Point cloud
Point cloud
3D model
3D model

One of the features of the Matterport platform is the ability to create links to specific site locations in the model. Users simply click on a link to be taken instantly to a detailed 360-degree view of that area or equipment within the site model, providing real benefit to clients, their facility managers and third-party vendors.

This virtual walkthrough showcases some of the potential benefits of a Matterport walkthrough for a mechanical room. You can tag significant features, embed drawings and manuals, and create links to external documents or webpages.

Click on the image below to load the Matterport model which you can interact with and navigate in this screen.


Having detailed interactive maps of facility infrastructure provides important resources for future projects. The virtual walk-throughs created using the Theta V 360 camera can replace the contractors’ physical walk-through during the Tender process, freeing up client personnel traditionally required to host the walk-throughs, as well as reducing travel time, parking costs, and the carbon footprint that would otherwise be incurred for bidders traveling to and from site.  For clients interested in decreasing the carbon footprint of their operations and facilities, any opportunity to reduce pollution and wasted time makes a great deal of sense. During COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, scans produced by the Matterport scanner or 360 images and video created by the Theta V 360 are providing immense value, making remote site access possible for a range of project stakeholders. The Matterport model also provides a reliable resource for measurements that may be required for scope changes, or that may have been missed during in-person site visits. This makes return visits unnecessary and reduces time demands and the need for off-hours availability for clients who would otherwise have to be on site for these return visits.

Digital Twinning. We also see the vast potential of digital twining and the visualization of live data. In this basic digital twin, we have visualized whether the space airflow is meeting CSA 317.2 requirements. You can filter the model by level, highlight rooms that are out of range, and even zoom into a room that’s experiencing flow issues. The intent of the model is to provide visualizations that allow facility operators to decipher information more easily and make informed decisions faster.

Below is an example of a basic digital twin. Click on the image which will launch the digital twin in a new page.

Courtesy of Lett Architects

LIDARAnother major player in 3D scanning technologies is LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), essentially radar with laser.  You may have already have heard of LIDAR applications being used in autonomous driving test vehicles and in drone technology. Costs have been dropping steadily for previously expensive terrestrial scanners, and it’s now available on the Apple iPhone 12 Pro and the Apple iPad Pro.  LIDAR combines camera images with radar and laser to construct 3D images in real time in order to create a point cloud. Currently, HH Angus is testing how our proprietary HH Angus Onsite app could sync with a smartphone’s LIDAR capabilities to overcome data limits, and how it might fit into project workflows to replace some of the existing programs we’re using in the reality capture service we provide to clients. The intent is to create more efficiencies. Stay tuned for more developments as mobile LIDAR technology improves.

LIDAR on iPhone

We’re really excited about the value Reality Capture brings to our clients and our workflow. We’re even more excited about its future; from improved capabilities with tools like drones, mobile devices, and robots, to building intelligent digital twins leveraging IoT sensors that can continue with the building past design and into post-occupancy to continually monitor and improve occupancy and operating conditions.

For more information about how our scanning technologies can benefit your facilities, please contact:

Headshot of Akira Jones

Akira Jones, P.Eng.
BIM Leader

Headshot of Melissa Parry

Melissa Parry, CanBIM P1, ACP Revit MEP
BIM Coordinator

Interior shot of the mechanical room at Royal Victoria Hospital

The following information is provided as a public service to Owner/Operators of heating oil and diesel fuel appliances and systems in Ontario. It addresses regulatory requirements and the Technical Standards and Safety Authority’s (TSSA) Code Adoption Document as they relate to Owner/Operators responsibilities for operation and maintenance of fuel oil systems, specifically for fuel tanks. Performing the required inspections and maintenance activities can improve the life expectancy of fuel tanks and reduce the risk of an unintended release of heating oil and diesel fuel to the environment.


Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000
Ontario Regulation 213/01 Fuel Oil
CSA B139: 2019 Series Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment

In Ontario, the use and operation of heating appliances using heating oil, including stationary diesel engine-driven equipment, and their associated fuel and combustion systems, are subject to Ontario Regulation 213/01 made under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2001, S.O. 2000, c.16.

This regulation is administered by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), which is a not-for-profit, self-funded organization, with delegated authority from the Government of Ontario concerning specific technical safety subjects. TSSA inspectors and technical staff have authority as officers-of-the-court in regard to enforcement of the Act and its regulations, including access to private property for the purpose of inspection of safety-related equipment and systems.

Under this regulation, there are certain obligations imposed on the Owner/Operator of these systems. These obligations can be organized in the following categories:

  • maintenance of these systems
  • periodic inspection of these systems by a qualified technician
  • record keeping
  • actions to be taken when a leak of heating oil or diesel fuel is known or suspected
  • actions to be taken when fuel systems are no longer used or are to be removed.

These operational requirements are specified in three documents:

While the regulation rarely changes, the CSA standard is typically updated on a five year cycle. The TSSA then undertakes a code adoption review process, and issues a code adoption document which may include amendments to the adopted codes or standards.

O.Reg. 213/01 Maintenance Requirements

In respect to operation and maintenance of equipment governed under this regulation, the Owner of the equipment is to:

  • maintain the appliance and associated systems in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance procedure [O.Reg. 213/01, s. 8.(1)(a)];
  • have those maintenance procedures evaluated every 10 years, and the maintenance procedures modified if determined to do so by the evaluation [O.Reg. 213/01, s. 8.(1)(b)];
  • have the appliance or work inspected every 10 years by a person who is a holder of a certificate of qualifications for this purpose [O.Reg. 213/01, s. 8.(a)(c)] – in most installations other than residential, this means a person who holds a license as an Oil Burner Technician Level 1 (“OBT1”); and,
  • maintain a copy of these inspection reports until the next inspection and report are completed [O.Reg. 213/01, s. 8.(3)]

TSSA Code Adoption Document for Fuel Oil

Through the TSSA Code Adoption Document for Fuel Oil, it amends CSA B139:2019:

  • “Annex M – Operations” of CSA B139 becomes a mandatory requirement
  • Adds additional requirements to Annex M concerning Owner/Operator environmental responsibilities.

In addition to the operations requirements found in Annex M, the additional requirements concerning environmental responsibilities describe:

  • the actions the Owner or Operator of a fuel oil system must do when a leak is suspected or detected, or if a fuel spill occurs; and
  • the actions that the Owner must do if an underground or aboveground tank is no longer used or is being replaced.
Above ground tank at CFB Petawawa

CSA B139:2019 – Maintenance and Operations

While this CSA standard primarily concerns the installation of oil-fired equipment and systems, it includes requirements concerning maintenance and operations of these systems:

  • oil-burning equipment to be inspected and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations
  • testing for presence of water at the bottom of a tank at least annually; if detected, the water must be removed
  • visual inspection of oil tanks, tubing, piping and filters for leaks at least once per year, and replaced if leaks are found
  • bottom outlet tanks (where the appliance is supplied fuel from a fitting on the bottom of the tank) are checked for proper slope and, if necessary, the tank pitch is corrected to slope the tank bottom towards the outlet
  • periodic operational testing for detection of leaks in underground tanks and piping systems
  • maintenance requirements of aboveground and underground tanks, and underground piping and piping sumps (Annex K)
  • operation requirements concerning filling of tanks (Annex M) – this annex is made mandatory by the TSSA CAD.

Annex J of this Standard provides background information on the importance of testing for water in fuel tanks, and for the removal of water and oil-sludge from the bottom of steel tanks to protect them from internal corrosion.

Having a fuel tank that is “free and clear” of oil, sludge and other debris at the bottom of the tank will go a long way to improving the usable life of the tank.

For more information, please contact:

Headshot of Peter Formosi

Peter Formosi, P.Eng.
Mechanical Engineer

Headshot of Anthony Ho

Anthony Ho, P.Eng.
Mechanical Engineer, Manager

Headshot of Craig Sievenpiper

Craig Sievenpiper, P.Eng.
Associate Director, Technology

Blue umbrella in a row of white ones

We are honoured to be named among Canada’s Best Managed Companies for 2021, our third consecutive year of being recognized. 

The award has heightened importance for us as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. It reinforces the importance of a strong company culture together with a strategic focus on managing day-to-day operations, planning for the future and finding growth opportunities in uncertain times.

Head shot of Paul Keenan

“Over the past year, the pandemic has called on us to be nimble and adapt to a constantly changing corporate landscape. Our management team had been focusing on growth and enabling innovation and technology to enhance existing services and offer new ones. Looking back, this strategic focus allowed us to shift seamlessly overnight to working from home without skipping a beat”, said Paul Keenan, President. “And while it isn’t clear yet what the post-pandemic economy will look like, I am confident that our firm is better positioned to anticipate and address both the challenges and the opportunities because of our management rigour.”

Head shot of Sameer Dhargalkar

“Despite the upheaval of the past year, we’ve continued to invest in growing our capabilities in areas such as digital strategy consulting, low-carbon energy solutions, reality capture, smart buildings solutions and robotics – areas which are driving our clients’ business  goals,” commented Sameer Dhargalkar, VP Business Development & Marketing, “At the same time, we’ve been able to expand our presence in British Columbia and Quebec through growth of staff and new projects.”

Of course, we wouldn’t have been able to do this without the dedication of our employees and the support of our clients – we thank you for the important role you play.

The Canada’s Best Managed Companies award, now in its 29th year, distinguishes overall business performance and growth of best in-class, Canadian-owned companies with revenues of $15 million or more. To learn more about the award, click here

HH Angus contact:

Sameer Dhargalkar, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development

Plugging usb cable in hand with low battery symbol. Tired human concept. Recharging energy.

COVID-19 has been pressing down on everyone for over a year now. We are fortunate and grateful to have continued our business operations throughout the pandemic, but the fact is that the health, social and workload stressors brought on by the pandemic do eventually take a toll.

That’s why HH Angus is collectively taking a well-deserved day off on April 30th – our own corporate ‘Relief Day’. It’s not that we need permission to take a day off, (we’re quite flexible that way); it’s more about appreciating what employees are going through and recognizing that emotional, mental and physical well-being is important.

So, on April 30th, our offices across Canada will be closed for the day as we encourage employees to rest, relax and recharge. For our clients and project partners – rest assured that there will no impact to the work we are doing with you. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your HH Angus project leader.

We’ll be back on May 3rd, re-energized and ready!


Shot of a group of programmers working together on a computer code at night

5G and Pilot Projects to Optimize New Infrastructures

By Akira Jones, BIM Leader, HH Angus & Associates Limited

By now, most of us in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector have read about, lamented and experienced our industry’s general conservativeness and inability to affect change quickly, particularly with respect to developing and emerging technology. However, we are starting to see now that this is changing. Large-scale 3D printing, generative design, virtual/augmented/mixed reality, artificial intelligence, design process automation through software and a push towards a common data environment for design and construction information represent some of the many ways AEC is embracing the digital era.

The nature of design consulting is also changing. Multi-disciplinary design firms are transforming into software developers, moving their way into the SaaS market. General contractors employ teams of software developers. Companies from non-engineering sectors are rapidly entering into the AEC market. Professional services companies and technology start-ups are developing platforms for optimizing building infrastructure through Edge Devices and creating operational/digital twins. Much like the rest of the world, AEC is converging towards digital processes and the borders between different sectors are becoming less defined.

Edge Devices and Digital Twins will have a massive impact on how we design, build and operate building infrastructure, particularly as we continue our push towards a more sustainable built environment through low or zero carbon, net zero and more. We are already seeing a big uptake of smart buildings technologies and the global smart building market is expected to reach almost 62 billons USD by 2024.

Understanding Internet of Things, or IoT technology, in particular, and the current and future benefits to the built environment and how people interact with it will be instrumental in HH Angus’ ability to design spaces that perform better, create better and longer lasting value, and reduce the impact on the environment. It’s certainly easier to design and build new buildings with smart technology but what really interests us is the opportunity in the massive stock of existing infrastructure that can significantly benefit from these technologies. In fact, they provide an opportunity to evolve the ways in which we deliver our work and our relationships with the end-users, from the building owners and operators to occupants.

As designers, we often lose touch with the infrastructure we design, perhaps coming back years later to find something unrecognizable from its original state. At the opposite end, engineers also come into buildings later in their lifecycles, often without proper as-built documentation and have to scrape together any available information about how or why the building operates the way it does. Not an ideal situation, which can typically add time and expense to most projects.

Gathering operational, environmental and presence data can provide a bridge between the building, its occupants, and the engineers to create the potential for gaining useful insight into a building’s real-world operations and occupant behavior.

To this end, HH Angus had the desire to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between smart buildings technologies and improving building performance. We launched our Smart Spaces initiative in 2019. Through this, we are exploring these new technologies through our own initiatives as well as research partnerships with academic institutions and tech start-ups and established providers. With Smart Spaces, we are exploring the use of IoT edge devices to gather environmental and occupancy data in commercial and institutional buildings.

As our pilot project had begun pre-COVID, we, like many firms, had to quickly adjust our plans. With everyone working from home, our office was empty, and we were trying to figure out what data we could collect since there was no one in the building. Like any challenge, this presented an opportunity. Where our previous approach had been to install a set of sensors that gathered a wide array of data with plans to see what insights we could glean, we were presented with a situation that provided us an immediately relevant use case. We thought about ways that the sensors could be used to aid our eventual re-entry into our own office. We shifted the balance of sensors to include more presence sensors to aid in people flow throughout our office. The sensors were placed in common and high traffic areas, giving employees aid in maintaining the ability to socially distance while in the office while also giving insight into usage patterns of these common spaces. The collected data is integrated and aggregated into an intuitive dashboard and transferred to the cloud/other edge devices via the 4G network such that we can view the basic analytics.

This pivot has helped us gain insight into the challenges faced by many of our commercial and institutional clients.

With the first stage of our pilot implemented, we look to expand our research to the 5G network. We were fortunate enough to be awarded access to the 5G ENCQOR test-bed located in the MaRS Discovery District (in downtown Toronto) which gives us the opportunity to explore use cases that can benefit from the low latency performance of 5G technology. We are currently engaged with our clients to determine real-world use cases for existing buildings to research on the testbed, paving the way for purpose-built data platforms.

As with any new (or new to us), technology there are no giant leaps in innovation, only deliberate and incremental steps forward. Where the challenge lies is not in using these technologies, but in determining how these new technologies can help our clients and our employees adapt and succeed in an ever-changing world. As consulting engineers, we can (and should) take a little step out of the traditional AEC approach and adopt some of the best practices (and mindset) of tech start-ups – mainly being inherently curious; focus on possibilities as opposed to the way its always been done; and be willing to quickly prototype, learn, and modify to get a minimum viable product into the real world.

HH Angus is an employee-owned, independent consulting firm of engineers, technical specialists and project managers with offices in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Our core services include mechanical and electrical engineering, lighting design, vertical transportation, energy, sustainable design, information communications audiovisual technology (ICAT) and security design and digital strategy consulting. Together, we create innovative solutions for our clients’ most complex challenges to expand what is possible for a better future.

Reprinted from CanBIM Innovation Spotlight Publication 2021

Akira Jones, P.Eng., LEED AP, Principal
BIM Leader

Akira Jones, P.Eng., LEED AP, Principal
BIM Leader