Image of CHEO Hospital exterior

The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) has released its plan for the CHEO Integrated Treatment Centre, known as 1Door4Care.

Infrastructure Ontario recently announced that EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare (EDIH) has been awarded the contract to design, build and finance the new 1Door4Care: CHEO Integrated Treatment Centre (ITC) in Ottawa.

CHEO is seen as a global leader in pediatric health, providing world-class care and serving more than half a million children over a catchment area that includes Eastern Ontario, Northern Ontario, Western Quebec, and Nunavut. When complete, the new 6-storey treatment centre will merge seven care facilities into a single, state-of-the-art, purpose-built site on CHEO’s main Smyth Road campus.

The design for the new facility, which is targeting LEED Silver, will feature multi-use clinic space, physiotherapy rehab gym, expanded mental health clinics, indoor and outdoor space where teachers and therapists combine education and therapy, secure space for children and youth with complex emotional needs, modern treatment rooms for children with behavioural needs, state-of-the-art treatment rooms, advanced technology to enable virtual care, a physical link to the main building on campus, family support spaces, a new parking structure, and more.

HH Angus is providing mechanical engineering and vertical transportation consulting services to this  project. The CHEO Integrated Treatment Centre adds to our deep portfolio of work in healthcare. Other current and recent projects include Cowichan Regional Hospital, new Surrey Hospital and BC Cancer Centre, new Neepawa Hospital, new Portage la Prairie hospital, new South Niagara Hospital, Bayers Lake Community Outpatient Centre, Penticton Regional Hospital, Royal Columbian Hospital, and SickKids Hospital Digital Strategy & Roadmap.

The EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare (EDIH) team includes:

  • Applicant Lead: EllisDon Corporation
  • Design Team: Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc., Vertechs Design Inc., WalterFedy, HH Angus and Associates Limited, Mulvey & Banani International Inc., Entuitive Corporation
  • Construction Team: EllisDon Corporation
  • Financial Advisor: EllisDon Capital Inc.

Substantial completion of the project is expected by 2028.

For CTV's news report on CHEO, click below:
CHEO unveils design plans for 1Door4Care building | CTV News

To read the press release about the award of the project, click below:
EllisDon Infrastructure team wins contract for 1Door4Care project - Canadian Consulting Engineer

Image of trees reflected in glass office building

Conference Take-aways

The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) recently hosted the ‘Building Lasting Change’ conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. CAGBC’s annual event is Canada’s premier green building conference. Attendees from all sectors of the built environment took part in sessions showcasing innovative approaches and practical solutions to moving the green buildings sector toward zero emissions. HH Angus was an event sponsor and, as an active driver of low carbon solutions, our attendees were eager to explore the conference focus on decarbonization. Andy Crosson, Associate Director of Angus Connect, and Ian McRobie, a Technical Leader and Manager in our Energy Division, share some of their key take-away’s from the event below.

Decarbonizing Existing Buildings
A recurring theme of the conference was the need to repurpose and reuse existing vacant building stock in a more intentional way to reduce the complete lifecycle of embodied carbon in buildings.

While new buildings are being designed to meet newer, more stringent building and energy codes as well as LEED, Net Zero and passive house standards, existing older building stock constitutes a huge part of the energy consumption picture but without the codes and efficiencies of new builds. Given the current post-COVID vacancy rates for commercial spaces, there was much discussion at the conference about the need to repurpose whole floors or entire commercial buildings for other uses. Doing so would provide the opportunity to apply more current design strategies to refresh those buildings and move them closer to new build standards.

Those responsible for all aspects of building design need to maintain a focus on high quality, low carbon design of new buildings, while at the same time optimizing building performance and increasing the focus on vacant building stock to reach our sustainability goals and carbon reduction targets.

Building Performance & LEED
Many existing buildings are operating with mechanical and electrical systems installed in the 1970s or earlier. Upgrading these systems contributes significantly to improved performance and sustainability metrics. At a key stakeholder’s session on the eve of the conference, participants discussed the relevance of LEED energy criteria in an industry increasingly focused on carbon reduction. Around the world, organizations responsible for building codes and standards are exploring how to address carbon within their regulations.

Another discussion thread centred around LEED’s focus on water use, and how improvements in water consumption rates contribute to carbon reduction.

Discussions also touched on the reliability of information on embodied carbon over a building’s lifecycle. Our take-away was that the means by which embodied carbon gets measured is still in a nascent stage and will need further development.

Economics of Repurposing Vacant Buildings
Decisions around repurposing existing buildings include a range of considerations; for example, what is the cost to demolish and rebuild versus the cost to refresh and renovate? Will the investment in a refresh elevate a building’s leasing status from Class B to Class A? Do older buildings provide floor to ceiling heights that allow for updating the building infrastructure? How do owners of large building portfolios evaluate the economics and feasibility of bringing a building into a low-carbon state?

Another key consideration for the repurposing decision is the impact of inefficient building envelopes on building performance and what this will mean to portfolio managers and the future of their building stock.

More progress is needed
Andy Crosson’s overall take-away from the conference was that not enough progress is being made. “Canada has more work to do now than it did ten years ago. We're not getting ahead of all of this, and I think it needs cultural change at all levels, for example with incentives from the government such as the previous Montreal Agreement on CFCs. I think a lot of the message around green buildings is getting to be a bit tired. 2050 is not that far away and we're still not getting ahead.”

For Ian McRobie, the key conference take-aways were twofold: “Two topic streams stood out for me - one was about embodied carbon and the other focused on the financing around bringing buildings into this new world of low carbon and how the financing can be managed, because the cost of carbon, and things like Canadian infrastructure bank programs all play a huge part in making the economics of retrofitting all these buildings make sense.”

Portrait of Andy Crosson


Andy Crosson, P.Eng.                                
Associate Director                                            
Angus Connect Division

Portrait of Ian McRobie


Ian McRobie,  P.E., P.Eng., C.E.M.,LEED® AP BD+C
Technical Leader
Energy Division

HH Angus is part of a global group of volunteer healthcare engineers and designers working with the World Health Organization (WHO) to quickly review and create design documents to help hospitals in crisis zones around the world. 

We’re very excited to be able to contribute to these volunteer efforts by leveraging our extensive healthcare experience.  Our current project is under the auspices of the Ukraine WHO Country Office. Amidst a deepening national crisis, and with local resources already under tremendous pressure, outside expertise is being provided to enable the project to move forward. Our role is to review design layouts for the transformation of an existing health facility into a burn injury treatment centre.  Our contribution is focused on using our technical healthcare experience to evaluate the design documents to determine if they meet the requirements for the specific type of care being provided to burn patients, including temperature control, ventilation, water and other design aspects, as well as budget constraints.

This is our fourth project for the WHO, and we thank the engineers, designers and project coordinators across HH Angus who immediately signed on to volunteer their time, skills, experience and enthusiasm for these critical efforts.

Au cours du mois national du génie au Canada (mars), nous avons demandé à quelques membres de notre équipe technique de réfléchir à l'avenir de notre travail - les défis, les technologies, les processus et les opportunités qui attendent la profession d'ingénieur. Leurs réponses abordent une grande variété de facteurs qui façonnent l'évolution de l'ingénierie-conseil.

Quelles sont les forces externes qui influencent l'évolution du travail des ingénieurs-conseils ?

La décarbonisation des bâtiments, en particulier des bâtiments existants, est un défi important pour les ingénieurs-conseils de l'industrie AEC. Des technologies concurrentes, des budgets et des calendriers limités, et le caractère unique de chaque bâtiment sont les principales raisons pour lesquelles la décarbonisation est un tel défi. Les exigences croissantes du public, des régulateurs et des clients en matière de décarbonisation signifient que cette question restera au centre des préoccupations au cours de la prochaine décennie.
Ben Russell, Ingénieur - Division santé

Technologies vertes
Les progrès continus des technologies vertes existantes, ainsi que les nouvelles technologies innovantes, offrent la possibilité de trouver de nouvelles solutions durables et respectueuses de l'environnement. Par exemple, les gaz anesthésiques (éthers halogénés) qui sont régulièrement rejetés dans l'atmosphère par les salles d'opération des hôpitaux (et qui persistent très longtemps dans l'environnement) peuvent désormais être capturés avant leur émission et, grâce à un processus cryogénique, être séparés pour retrouver leur forme liquide et être ensuite vendus comme médicament générique.
Edward Hood, directeur de l'ingénierie - Division santé

Pénurie de main-d'œuvre après la pandémie
La pénurie actuelle de main-d'œuvre exerce une pression considérable sur diverses industries, ce qui entraîne des problèmes tels que la réduction de la rétention du personnel, l'allongement des temps d'attente des clients, la baisse de la qualité des services et l'augmentation des coûts. Par conséquent, la technologie est de plus en plus considérée comme un moyen viable d'atténuer les difficultés liées à ces pénuries. Ces professionnels devront se tenir au courant des avancées technologiques en constante évolution, y compris des exigences en matière d'infrastructures critiques et des technologies émergentes, et devront faire preuve d'un esprit stratégique pour aligner les applications technologiques sur les objectifs commerciaux distincts de chaque organisation.
Robyn Munro, consultante ICAT - Division Angus Connect

Rapports ESG
Les rapports ESG (environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance) ont aujourd'hui un impact significatif dans le domaine du génie-conseil, car les entreprises reconnaissent de plus en plus l'importance des pratiques durables et de la responsabilité sociale dans leurs activités commerciales. Tout d'abord, les entreprises recherchent des sociétés de conseil pour les aider à évaluer et à améliorer leur impact environnemental, tant du point de vue de l'énergie que du bien-être des occupants. Deuxièmement, les rapports ESG augmentent la complexité du travail dugénie-conseil grâce à l'utilisation de capteurs et de nouvelles technologies. Enfin, les rapports ESG stimulent l'innovation en utilisant l'analyse des données pour optimiser l'efficacité énergétique. L'utilisation d'outils de modélisation paramétrique est rapidement adoptée pour accélérer la prise de décision au début des projets, ce qui peut conduire à des économies globales de carbone tout au long du cycle de vie de l'environnement bâti, ancien et nouveau !
Dayne Perry, chef de projet - Division commerciale

L'énergie durable
L'opportunité la plus intéressante pour les ingénieurs-conseils aujourd'hui est la transition mondiale vers l'énergie durable. Ce changement rapide ne s'est jamais produit auparavant et il exigera des ingénieurs qu'ils innovent de nombreuses façons différentes. Cette transformation économique complète obligera les ingénieurs à apporter plus que de l'ingénierie pure aux systèmes de construction et aux processus que nous concevons ; elle nous obligera à prendre davantage en compte les aspects économiques, commerciaux, sociaux et humains de nos conceptions, ainsi que la manière dont nous résolvons les problèmes d'ingénierie.
Mike Hassaballa, Ingénieur - Division de l'énergie

Apprentissage continu
Le génie-conseil repose sur les personnes. Nous savons que nous aurons besoin de beaucoup plus de personnel à l'avenir, en raison de la croissance du secteur et du départ à la retraite des baby-boomers. Dans ce contexte, l'extension des connaissances et de l'expérience des ingénieurs seniors, grâce à l'utilisation de la technologie, au contrôle de la qualité et à la normalisation des processus et des pratiques, constitue un défi majeur pour les ingénieurs-conseils à l'avenir.
Ben Russell, ingénieur - Division santé

Analyse des données
À l'avenir, l'accent mis sur l'analyse des données et l'automatisation sera de plus en plus prépondérant. Les équipes d'ingénieurs auront besoin de capacités d'exploration de données plus nombreuses et plus diversifiées. Les outils devront être perfectionnés pour utiliser efficacement l'IA, ce qui permettra au personnel de se concentrer sur les détails complexes. Cela garantit que nos bâtiments seront non seulement durables, mais aussi accessibles et résilients.
Dayne Perry, chef de projet - Division commerciale

Innovation technologique
D'ici 5 à 10 ans, je vois beaucoup plus d'industries et de bâtiments passer rapidement à des sources d'énergie plus durables. Ce sera plus difficile pour certains que pour d'autres, mais je suis convaincu que l'ingéniosité de l'ingénierie et l'innovation technologique aideront considérablement ceux qui luttent pour réussir". Si vous avez manqué l'un des commentaires de nos collaborateurs sur les défis, les technologies, les processus et les opportunités qui se profilent à l'horizon dans le domaine de l'ingénierie-conseil, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.
Mike Hassaballa, Ingénieur - Division de l'énergie

Recherchez la série de balado de HH Angus - "Expanding the Possible" – sur notre site web ou partout où vous obtenez vos balado

Compétences pour la prochaine génération d'ingénieurs-conseils

Akira Jones, directeur des services numériques, et Teresa Valentino-Wills, directrice des ressources humaines de HH Angus, se joignent à nous pour discuter des compétences et des qualités dont la prochaine génération de concepteurs et d'ingénieurs aura besoin pour prospérer dans un secteur qui évolue rapidement et qui est de plus en plus technique. Akira et Teresa parlent également de ce que HH Angus recherche en matière de compétences matérielles et immatérielles, d'attributs personnels importants et de ce que signifie l'"adéquation". Il s'agit sans aucun doute d'un podcast à écouter absolument, que vous soyez actuellement à l'école, nouvellement diplômé ou que vous travailliez déjà dans l'industrie.
Disponible en anglais uniquement

L'avenir du génie-conseil

Le rythme et l'ampleur des changements qui interviennent aujourd'hui dans la profession du génie-conseil sont tout simplement stupéfiants par rapport à l'évolution qu'elle connaissait il y a à peine dix ans. Rejoignez Akira Jones pour discuter de l'avenir de l'ingénierie-conseil. Akira est directeur des services numériques et directeur principal chez HH Angus, coprésident de son comité sur les bâtiments intelligents et ingénieur mécanique de formation certifié LEED.
Disponible en anglais uniquement

Over the course of National Engineering Month (March), we asked a few members of our technical staff to consider the future of our work - the challenges, technologies, processes and opportunities that lie ahead for the engineering profession. Their responses touch on a wide variety of factors shaping the evolution of consulting engineering. 

What are some of the external forces shaping how the work of consulting engineers is changing?

Decarbonization of buildings, particularly existing buildings, is a significant challenge facing consulting engineers in the AEC industry. Competing technologies, limited budgets and schedules, and the uniqueness of each building, are the key reasons why decarbonization is such a challenge. The increasing decarbonization demands of the public, regulators, and clients means that this focus will remain top of mind for the next decade.
Ben Russell, Engineer – Health Division

Green technologies  
The continued advancement of existing green technologies, as well as innovative new ones, provide opportunity for novel solutions that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. As an example, anaesthetic gases (halogenated ethers) which are routinely exhausted from hospital operating rooms to the atmosphere (and persist in the environment for a very long time), can now be captured prior to emission and, through cryogenic process, be separated back to their liquid form and then sold as a generic drug.
Edward Hood, Engineering Director, Health Division

Post pandemic labour shortage
The current labour shortage is exerting a substantial amount of pressure on various industries, leading to challenges such as reduced staff retention, longer customer wait times, lower service quality, and higher costs. Consequently, there is a growing dependence on technology as a viable approach for mitigating the difficulties associated with these shortages. Such professionals will be required to remain current with the ever-evolving technological advancements, including critical infrastructure requirements and emerging technologies and will need to have a strategic mindset to align applications for technology with each organization's distinct business objectives.
Robyn Munro, ICAT Consultant – Angus Connect Division

ESG reporting
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting is having a significant impact on consulting engineering today, as companies increasingly recognize the importance of sustainable practices and social responsibility in their business operations. First, companies are seeking out consulting firms to help them assess and improve their environmental impact from both an energy and occupant wellbeing perspective. Second, ESG reporting is increasing the complexity of consulting engineering work through the use of sensors, and new technology. Finally, ESG reporting is driving innovation using data analytics to optimize energy efficiency. The use of parametric modeling tools is quickly being adopted to expedite decision making at the onset of projects, which can lead to overall carbon savings through the life cycle of the built environment, old and new!
Dayne Perry, Project Manager – Commercial Division

Sustainable energy
The most exciting opportunity for consulting engineers today is the global transition to sustainable energy. This rapid shift has never happened before, and it will require engineers to innovate in many new different ways. This full economic transformation will challenge engineers to bring more than just pure engineering to the building systems and processes we design; it will require us to take into account more of the economic, business, social and human aspects of our designs, as well as the ways in which we solve engineering challenges.
Mike Hassaballa, Engineer - Energy Division

Continuous learning
Consulting engineering is built on people. We know we will need a lot more people going forward, due to both industry growth and the retiring Baby Boomers. Given this, scaling the knowledge and experience of senior engineers, through the use of technology, quality control, and process and practice standardization, is a key challenge for consulting engineers going forward.
Ben Russell, Engineer, Health Division

Data analytics
Looking ahead, the emphasis on data analytics and automation will become more prevalent. Engineering teams will need more and diverse data mining capabilities. Tools will need to be refined to effectively use AI allowing staff to focus on complex detailing. This ensures our buildings will be not only sustainable, but also accessible and resilient.
Dayne Perry, Project Manager – Commercial Division

Technological Innovation

In 5 to 10 years, I see many more industries and buildings shifting rapidly to more sustainable energy sources. It will be more difficult for some than others; however, I have confidence that engineering ingenuity and technological innovation will significantly help those who struggle to be successful.” If you missed any of our staff comments on the challenges, technologies, processes and opportunities that lie ahead in consulting engineering, click on the link below to read more.
Mike Hassaballa, Engineer – Energy Division

Look for HH Angus’ Podcast series – ‘Expanding the Possible’ on our website or wherever you get your podcasts

Skills for the Next Generation of Consulting Engineers
Akira Jones, Director of Digital Services, and Teresa Valentino-Wills, Human Resources Director from HH Angus join us to discuss the skills and qualities the next generation of designers and engineers will need to thrive in a rapidly evolving and increasingly technical industry. Akira and Teresa also talk about what HH Angus looks for with respect to hard and soft skills, important personal attributes, and what “fit” means. Definitely a “must listen” podcast whether you are currently in school, a new graduate or already working in the industry.

The Future of Consulting Engineering
The pace and the degree of change taking place in the engineering profession today is nothing short of staggering, compared to how it was evolving even just a decade ago. Join Akira Jones as he discusses where consulting engineering is heading. Akira is the Director of Digital Services and a Principal at HH Angus, co-chairs its Smart Buildings Committee and is a LEED-certified mechanical engineer by training.