New to Instagram?
Follow these simple steps!

Review the posting instructions below!

 Use your smartphone and take a pic of this QR code

A link will appear on screen tap it!! Instagram will direct
you to the Ugly Sweater filter

Choose the sweater you like; options will appear across the screen and get your best side!

Post your pic with the hashtag #HHAHOLIDAYS2022

Posting instructions,
please follow these simple steps!


That’s it, you’re done. Feel free to try different sweaters and posting multiple times. Remember to add #HHAHOLIDAYS2022 hashtag so it will automatically be posted to our Ugly Sweater wall!

Not into Instagram but want
to be part of the fun? 

Visit our Ugly Sweater Hashtag Wall
and see what you’re missing!

Fun Fact: Did you know the HH in
HH Angus stands for ‘Ho Ho’?