Brantford Power
Landfill & WWTP Cogeneration 5.4 MW
HH Angus was retained to provide a turnkey natural gas fired cogeneration plant to take in landfill gas and digester gas and, in turn, produce electricity to feed to the Ontario power grid.
The cogen plant also transfers heat back to the digesters for process treatment of municipal liquid waste. In a future phase of the project, heat would be distributed to a district energy system.
Brantford is unique in that its solid waste landfill and the municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) are adjacent to each other. Based on the available methane from the WWTP and the landfill, two 2.7MWe engines were provided (5.4MWe total), with a provision for an additional set as the landfill continues to grow.
The engine hot water is 95˚C and designed to be distributed to the adjacent WWTP. The design allowed for future exhaust gas recovery when the planned district energy system was developed.
The electrical output is 42% of the energy input, and the overall efficiency of the system was designed to be 88%, assuming that full thermal recovery would be implemented in a future district energy phase.
The station service load is supplied by the utility at 347/600V; however, the power is generated at 4160V and steps up to 27.6kV to supply into the grid. Synchronization is at 4160V.
Prime Consultant | Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering
Status: Completed 2010
Brantford, Ontario
Prime Consultant for Design-Build | |Provided two 2.7MWe engines based on available methane | Integrated 42% of electrical output | Overall efficiency designed for 88% at implementation of full thermal recovery