Toronto Transit Commission
Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Pioneer Village & Finch West Station
The TTC’s 8.6 km line opened to the public in December 2017. All six stations are fully accessible and Wi-Fi equipped. The line is comprised of both tunnel and cut-and-cover sections. HH Angus provided mechanical and electrical consulting engineering for the Pioneer Village and Finch West stations.
Above ground, the new stations include a main entrance, secondary and automatic entrance and electrical substation. Our mechanical scope included ventilation and air conditioning of services spaces, sanitary and storm drainage for washrooms and service area, track drainage, fire protection systems, as well as incorporation of system-wide tunnel ventilation. In addition, it incorporated water-efficient plumbing fixtures and energy efficient HVAC systems.
Our electrical scope covered power distribution, lighting and communications systems. Design layouts were provided for power distribution of the subway station, as well as traction power for the trains.
Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Lighting Design | Communications Consulting
Status: Completed 2017
Toronto, Ontario
Underground subway stations with integrated bus terminals | Integrated traction power substation | Water-efficient plumbing fixtures and energy efficient HVAC systems

Custom transit lighting
The lighting design featured reduced power consumption. Lighting design for the exterior public zones incorporated increased daylight levels, LED lighting in pylon signs, and energy-efficient lighting in illuminated wayfinding signage.
Comprehensive communications design
The communications systems design included fire alarm protection, public address speakers, passenger intercom, TTC PAX telephones, public telephones and security systems, including closed circuit television.