Infrastructure Ontario & St. Michael’s Hospital

Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower

The new tower will allow patient care to move out of the aging and inadequate Bond and Shuter Wings, for clinical programs and services to be right-sized to meet current standards, and a portion of costly leased administrative space to be repatriated.

HH Angus is part of the Compliance Team for this new 17-storey Patient Care Tower. The Tower will provide an additional ~250,000 ft2 on the Hospital’s main campus in Toronto, with an additional ~150,000 ft2 of renovation distributed throughout the existing building.

The project includes five new operating rooms; enlarged, state-of-the art facilities for orthopedic surgery, coronary care and respirology (including the cystic fibrosis program); an expanded emergency department; and the demolition and new construction of the Shuter Wing.

Addressing the major renovations to the existing building and integrating new infrastructure with existing systems were key challenges for the team. To address these issues, HH Angus provided detailed background information and on-site investigation to mitigate the risks to the Hospital. This challenge extended to the IT systems, where the team was asked to integrate the existing IT infrastructure into the new building. Extensive work was undertaken to bring the Hospital’s aging IT infrastructure up to current standards, and to provide future flexibility. HH Angus designed a solution that would properly integrate and communicate with both the new and existing systems.

Mechanical Compliance Engineering | Electrical Compliance Engineering

Size: 250,000 ft2 new space, 150,000 ft2 of renovations | Status: Ongoing

Toronto, Ontario

17 storey patient care tower |  250000 ft2 new space |  150,000 ft2 of renovations | Integration of new and existing M&E, IT infrastructure | Upgrade outdated pneumatic controls to current DDC technology

A four-decade relationship

St. Mike’s has been a valued client for over 40 years – our lengthy experience with the site has resulted in HH Angus holding a great deal of institutional knowledge about the hospital’s infrastructure.

Let there be light

The Tower’s atrium, which features 11 storeys of natural light, will feature retail space, a patient information centre, and the admitting department.

Images courtesy of Cicada Design

Southlake Regional Health Centre


Southlake Regional Health Centre serves a catchment area of over one million people. It has more than 400 patient beds, and receives 113,000+ visits annually to the ER Department, and 530,000 out-patient visits.

The Southlake Redevelopment project included a 190,000 ft2 addition in the form of a six-storey tower plus mechanical penthouse, as well as extensive renovations to the existing facility. The tower structure has a mix of occupancies, with critical care spaces located on several floors.

Providing department-specific air handling units was not possible within the constraints of the building design. The solution to the air handling design was to provide four large 100% outdoor air units with high efficiency total enthalpy heat wheels that serve all floors. The result was an arrangement that allows for both initial and future flexibility.

Construction of the tower structure preceded the renovations, which were phased to permit relocation of departments to the new wing. Careful planning of the mechanical and electrical systems was required to integrate the new addition into the existing facility and to implement renovation phasing. HH Angus worked diligently on this with the Architect, Hospital and Contractor to ensure each phase of construction was fully serviced with minimal disruption to the User Groups.

HH Angus’ Vertical Transportation Group was responsible for the design of four elevators within the expansion of the Central Wing. 

Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering

Size: 190,000 ft2 | Status: Completed 2007

Newmarket, Ontario

Designed 4 large 100% outdoor air units with high-efficiency total enthalpy heat wheels | Integrated new and old mechanical and electrical systems  | 4 elevators designed for the Central wing

Trusted relationship

HH Angus has continued to work with Southlake Regional Health Centre on ongoing upgrades and infrastructure renewal.

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Cogeneration Plant

The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre required a new outdoor enclosed cogeneration machine to be integrated into the existing mechanical and electrical hospital systems to displace utility electricity and boiler production.

As prime consultant, some of the challenges we overcame on this project included: meeting the delivery deadline under a very tight schedule once the project was approved to proceed; working under the confines of space constraints; noise suppression requirements associated with working in an operating healthcare facility; and integration and use of low temperature water from cogeneration.

To address these challenges, HH Angus pre-tendered the equipment, which allowed for unit production while mechanical and electrical design continued. To address the issue of noise infiltration to the hospital, the unit noise suppression was specified to very strict levels, and these were successfully met.

Although low temperature heat is normally unused in this process and is displaced to the atmosphere, our design incorporated low temperature heat along with high temperature waste heat for use in the dearator make-up. This feature adds a level of long-term efficiency to the installation.

Prime Consultant | Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Civil Engineering | Structural Engineering

Size: 1.5 MW | Status: Completed 2015

Thunder Bay, Ontario

Integration of new outdoor cogeneration plant into existing hospital M&E systems | Aggressive delivery schedule | Mitigation of noise and space constraints




Meeting deadlines

Despite a very tight schedule, the project was completed on time and within budget.

Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre

Expansion Program

The Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre is the only hospital in Barrie serving city residents as well as patients from a large geographical region, including Simcoe County and the districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound. It specializes in acute care, cancer care, surgical services, critical care, mental health rehabilitation services, and women and children’s programs.

HH Angus undertook a major development / expansion / renovation program of 300,000 ft2, including:

  • new four-bunker Cancer Centre
  • new/expanded Emergency Department
  • new/expanded Diagnostic Imaging Department
  • surgical suite expansion
  • addition of six 34-bed patient pods
  • infrastructure upgrades, including re-routing and upgrading incoming 44KV services and additional diesel generator capacity
  • extension and upgrades to various building systems such as chillers, boilers, fire alarm, nurse call, security & CCTV, and the Building Automation System.

The project was conducted through Infrastructure Ontario as a design build construction, with the Hospital retaining control of the design. HH Angus worked closely with the Hospital under tight time constraints to successfully design and implement a phasing plan that allowed the Hospital to continue operation during construction, and to produce a concise set of documents suitable for competitive tendering.

The project was heavily phased and much detail was spent on determining how the mechanical and electrical design was to be integrated with the phasing. The concept, design and contract document stage was completed in about twelve months. 

As the redevelopment doubled the size of the facility and the existing heating and cooling plants could not be expanded due to space constraints, a second plant was constructed. To help the Hospital with operations and to improve redundancy, HH Angus integrated the two plants so that each plant could heat/cool the entire facility under restricted operation. The existing control system was upgraded and expanded so that Facilities Management could manage a single control system for both new and existing areas.

Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Lighting Design

Size: 300,000 ft2 | Status: Completed 2013

Barrie, Ontario

Major development, expansion and renovation | Phased construction to permit ongoing operation | Second heating and cooling plant integrated with existing plant

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


HH Angus has been providing mechanical and electrical engineering at the Sunnybrook campus since 1945. The complex now totals more than 2,000,000 ft2. In that time, a great many individual projects have been successfully delivered.

M Wing was a major redevelopment project.  Other large project examples from our work at Sunnybrook include the Toronto Sunnybrook Cancer Centre and the Sunnybrook High Voltage Emergency Power Renewal.


M Wing   

The expanded M Wing facility benefits Sunnybrook’s functioning in many ways: the main entrance now features a retail galleria with a pharmacy, gift shop, courtyard café and optical services; it provides more convenient patient pick-up and drop-off areas, and bus and taxi stops, and M Wing supports increased cancer care services.

M Wing was built in two phases - an initial 5-storey building with a four storey addition, under the Redevelopment Phase. The addition was approximately 620,000 ft2. M Wing consolidated services that had been dispersed throughout the hospital, including:

Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering

Size: 200,000 ft2 | Status: Completed 2010

Toronto, Ontario

Redevelopment of M Wing | Added retail galleria with a pharmacy | Introduced patient pick-up and drop-off area | Renovation in a 5-storey building with an additional 4-storey that helped consolidate services throughout the hospital

  • 16 operating rooms to replace the aging surgical suite
  • An 18-bed critical care unit and a 12-bed cardiovascular intensive care unit
  • Support services for the new surgical suite and critical care units, including new central sterile processing
  • Expanded outpatient services
  • Expanded radiology services
  • A new surgical day procedure service incorporating specimen collection, a testing centre, day surgery, minor procedures, urology/cytoscopy and pain clinic
  • Perinatal and gynecology program (relocated from Women’s College Hospital) 

M Wing was a major redevelopment project.

Other large project examples from our work at Sunnybrook include The Toronto Sunnybrook Cancer

Centre and the Sunnybrook High Voltage Emergency Power Renewal.