Service: Sustainability
Temporal Power
Flywheel Energy Storage
“With thorough project management and smart engineering by the Angus team, they have been able to condense the schedule and, at the same time, lower our costs.”
— Geoff Osborne, Senior Associate, NRStor
HH Angus and Associates was engaged to provide the detailed electrical engineering and construction management of this flywheel energy storage project at Temporal Power’s Minto facility near Harriston, ON. Flywheel-based energy storage systems do not use fossil fuel and do not produce CO2 or other harmful emissions during operation.
Our electrical team provided consulting engineering to connect Temporal Power’s nominally 2MW of flywheel energy to (and from) the grid at distribution voltage, as well as commissioning of the site.
Grid frequency regulation is required by the IESO in the area northwest of Guelph because of fluctuating electrical load and generation; 2 MW of flywheel capacity can act as a sink or a source of electricity to stabilize frequency.
The vulnerability of the electrical grid and distribution service, as evidenced in the December 2013 ice storm that affected predominantly Ontario, Quebec and the Northeast US, is giving impetus to the move to smart grids, distributed power and storage systems. The Temporal Power facility serves to balance the system frequency, thereby reducing the need to have a more expensive and less responsive generating plant performing that function.
Each of the ten 250 KW flywheels in the plant weighs about 4000 kilos and spins at up to 11,000 RPM.The flywheels operate through five 480V inverters (ie, two flywheels per inverter, with one redundant unit). HH Angus designed and supplied the system that converts the local grid distribution voltage of 44,000V through 347/600V to 480V (and vice versa). In terms of interconnecting to the grid, this is very much like a generator project in that it does ‘generate’ 2MW when requested as frequency is decreasing. But it can also absorb energy when the grid frequency is ‘speeding up’.
Electrical Engineering | Site Commissioning
Status: Completed 2014
Harriston, Ontario
Detailed electrical engineering and construction management of flywheel energy storage project | 2 MW of flywheel energy to/from the grid | EPC through Angus Power | Flywheel technology balances system frequency 10 X 250kW flywheels

This was a substantial EPC project that married the electrical engineering capacity of HH Angus’ grid connection specialists with the project and risk management experience of our Angus Power team.
Hatherley Solar
250kW Photo Voltaic Installation
HH Angus provided full EPC services for this system, including electrical design, panel layout, structural review, component procurement and the installation of the system, commissioning and connection to the grid.
Hatherley Solar is a 250 kW, 36,000 ft2 rooftop solar PV project atop two industrial buildings at the Parry Sound airport in Ontario.
This project received an Ontario FIT contract, and at the time, was the largest solar installation in the Muskoka region, with over 1000 modules on two steel-roof buildings, feeding over 325,000kW hours to the Ontario power grid annually.
Project Design | Project Management
Size: 36,000 ft2 Status: Completed 2014
Parry Sound, Ontario
Ontarian FIT contract | Largest solar installation in the Muskoka region | Feeds over 325,000kw hours to the Ontario power grid annually
Super Internet Data Centre, Kamloops BC
“The Kamloops Internet Data Centre will be the cornerstone of our national next-generation cloud computing services, handling complex data storage and offering unsurpassed connectivity, superior functionality, state-of-the-art security and industry-leading reliability to our clients.”*
Lloyd Switzer, TELUS Senior VP, Network Transformation
The new TELUS Tier III design-certified data centre was the first TELUS Super Internet Data Centre built to LEED Gold standards. It is directly connected to the national TELUS IP network and interconnects into existing data centres across the country, creating what has been described as the most advanced and regionally diverse computing infrastructure in Canada.
The Intelligent Internet Data Centre incorporates innovative, non-traditional solutions, such as a closed-loop cooling system that provides unparalleled operating efficiency. The first of its kind in the world, this system is 180 times more efficient than that of a traditional cooling plant.
TELUS reports a PUE** of 1.15 for the data centre, which put TELUS at the forefront of the industry. The new data centre has a modular design, enabling TELUS to rapidly expand capacity and to tailor its offerings to the most advanced and efficient technologies available.
Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Security Design | IMIT Engineering | Vertical Transportation Consulting | Lighting Design
Status: Completed 2012
Modular construction with reduced on-site fabrication | Inaugural installation of patented cooling system

Ensuring Quality Control
HH Angus acted as the Owner’s Commissioning QC Representative. Our responsibilities included review of the commissioning plan, the schedule and test scripts prepared by Commissioning Agent and the site observation reports to the stakeholder team - these covered the 27.6kV incoming switchgear complete with automatic transfer scheme, diesel rotary UPS system, automatic transfer switches, 600V distribution switchboards, Electrical Monitoring System (EMS), ISOT and Black Start Testing.
Tier III Accreditation
HH Angus was the Owner’s representative for the Uptime Institute On-Site Tier III Accreditation Audit.

**PUE, or Power Usage Effectiveness, is the Uptime Institute’s classification system, an internationally recognized benchmark to assess data centre reliability.
*BC Tech News: TELUS OPENS 75 Million Next Generation Cloud Computing Data Centre in Kamloops
York Region
Operations & Maintenance Bus Garage
The 230,000 ft2 Bus Garage in Vaughan, Ontario was retrofitted to accommodate the storage and maintenance of 230 York Region Transit (YRT) buses.
The facility was improved through a wide range of bus servicing equipment and building automation systems to minimize energy use and maximize operational efficiency. Both a new admin area and a training facility were included in the retrofit, which has been certified LEED® Silver.
The facility features state-of-the art ventilation and exhaust systems. There are two service lanes consisting of four indoor fuel pumps, vacuum stations, welding and body shop, paint booth, parts storage, tire bay, machine shop, two inspection pits, lubrication stations and two washers.
Our electrical scope included: normal and emergency power distribution design, fire alarm system design, telephone/data, communication conduit/raceway design, security system conduit/raceway design, system clock design, indoor lighting, and outdoor lighting design to meet LEED® Silver requirements.
Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering
Size: 230,000 ft2 | Status: Completed 2010
Vaughan, Ontario
Building automation and bus servicing equipment to improve operational efficiency | Normal and emergency power distribution | Energy-efficient system design to reduce water and energy demand | LEED Silver Certified

Energy efficient systems design
The building was designed to reduce energy and water demand. It includes a solar hot water system, and collection and storage of rainwater for washing buses and flushing toilets. The high efficiency HVAC system employs air-to-air heat exchange and is governed by a Building Automation System.
Best practices for environmental gains
Specifying for the light coloured roof helps reduce cooling demand in summer and mitigates the heat island effect. Interior materials and finishes were selected for the best possible indoor air quality. The construction waste diversion target was 95%. Best practices commissioning was used to ensure the building operates at optimal efficiency.

The Town of Jasper
Jasper Activity & Aquatic Centre
A key part of the heart of the community, the Jasper Activity and Aquatic Centre is used extensively year round. Originally just an outdoor pool with a small stone change room built in the 1920s, it has been transformed into a major facility with ice rinks, curling rinks, meeting rooms, daycare and a senior centre.
HH Angus was responsible for the engineering and design for approximately 25,000 ft2 of renovations to the main entrance lobby, daycare, administration offices, as well as a new 5,000 ft2 open concept space for the fitness centre relocation.
Sustainability, health, wellness and community were key goals, supported by use of natural materials, daylighting and special features such as a green roof, photovoltaic cells and storm water collection and reuse.
Mechanical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Lighting Design
Size: 25,000 ft2 | Status: Completed 2011
Jasper, Alberta
Mechanical and electrical engineering & design for ~25,000 ft2 of renovations | New 5,000 ft2 open concept space for fitness centre | LEED Silver Certified