Realizing the wonder
of light
Angus Lighting
Our experience in all types of cutting edge, exciting and award-winning lighting design defines Angus Lighting. For over 30 years, we have been collaborating on the creative and technical requirements of the architect, designer and engineer to deliver state-of-the-art architectural lighting solutions.

— Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)

Ricarda’s Restaurant —
The Art of Lighting
We draw on our experience across a range of building types including commercial office, hospitality and retail, hospitals, transportation infrastructure, cultural, education and sporting and recreation facilities. Our design philosophy is founded in the belief that lighting enhances the human environment, balancing aesthetics with function. We come to each project with a combined sensibility of artistry and creative discipline, innovative thought and technical competence. As an industry leader in specialty lighting design, we develop unbiased, sustainable solutions that enhance user satisfaction and productivity.
Sustainable Design
As clients look increasingly to designers to plan for long term lifecycle operational efficiencies, we have made a commitment to sustainable design, to light source efficiency and longevity, and to energy-conscious solutions. These are the natural outcomes of superior design. To us, sustainability is a race without a finish line; it can continuously be improved as products and technologies evolve.

— Mississauga Bus Rapid Transit

RBC 180 Wellington West —
Client Relationships
Each project has unique requirements that call for custom solutions. We rely on our broad experience to deliver our client’s desired lighting strategy. Our collaborative approach is based on respect for our clients, our colleagues, and our community’s collective skills.
Independence & Transparency
Angus Lighting represents our client to the supplier, not the other way around. We are not affiliated with any distributor. We accept no compensation or commission from any supplier. Following this approach, our ethics are clear and we are unencumbered in designing the best solutions for each client.