Bob Brown
Project Lead, Angus Connect
“The experience of working with clients, contractors, vendors and colleagues in the design and implementation of integrated ICAT solutions to meet the goals and expectations of our clients is of inestimable value. These interactions provide the opportunity to develop the professional and personal connections, knowledge and experience that are so critical today.”
Bob is involved in all phases of Design, Build, Finance and Maintain (DBFM) projects, including building design relevant to IT infrastructure, analysis of pricing for IT infrastructure and systems, management of subtrades, and support of facility managers post occupancy. He has extensive experience in design, budgeting, tendering and evaluation of bids, project management and commissioning of complex infrastructure projects. Bob joined HH Angus in 2018.
Away from work, Bob’s spare time is focused on his extended family, including his granddaughter. He also enjoys reading, cooking and travel abroad.
Featured Projects
Michael Garron Hospital Patient Care Tower
Long-term strategic vision; 8 storeys plus 100,000 ft2 of renovations to existing hospital
Adult Mental Health & Addictions Facility - Eastern Health, NL
PSOS for ICAT and security systems
Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital, NB
314-bed teaching hospital and clinical services